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2008-04-19זאב אליעזר בן חיה שינדל

Tehillim 5

Psalms Chapter 5 תְּהִלִּים

א  לַמְנַצֵּחַ אֶל-הַנְּחִילוֹת,    מִזְמוֹר לְדָוִד. 1 For the Leader; upon the Nehiloth. A Psalm of David.
ב  אֲמָרַי הַאֲזִינָה יְהוָה;    בִּינָה הֲגִיגִי. 2 Give ear to my words, O LORD, consider my meditation.
ג  הַקְשִׁיבָה, לְקוֹל שַׁוְעִי--מַלְכִּי וֵאלֹהָי:    כִּי-אֵלֶיךָ, אֶתְפַּלָּל. 3 Hearken unto the voice of my cry, my King, and my God; for unto Thee do I pray.
ד  יְהוָה--בֹּקֶר, תִּשְׁמַע קוֹלִי;    בֹּקֶר אֶעֱרָךְ-לְךָ, וַאֲצַפֶּה. 4 O LORD, in the morning shalt Thou hear my voice; in the morning will I order my prayer unto Thee, and will look forward.
ה  כִּי, לֹא אֵל חָפֵץ רֶשַׁע אָתָּה:    לֹא יְגֻרְךָ רָע. 5 For Thou art not a God that hath pleasure in wickedness; evil shall not sojourn with Thee.
ו  לֹא-יִתְיַצְּבוּ הוֹלְלִים, לְנֶגֶד עֵינֶיךָ;    שָׂנֵאתָ, כָּל-פֹּעֲלֵי אָוֶן. 6 The boasters shall not stand in Thy sight; Thou hatest all workers of iniquity.
ז  תְּאַבֵּד, דֹּבְרֵי כָזָב:    אִישׁ-דָּמִים וּמִרְמָה, יְתָעֵב יְהוָה. 7 Thou destroyest them that speak falsehood; the LORD abhorreth the man of blood and of deceit.
ח  וַאֲנִי--בְּרֹב חַסְדְּךָ, אָבוֹא בֵיתֶךָ;    אֶשְׁתַּחֲוֶה אֶל-הֵיכַל-קָדְשְׁךָ, בְּיִרְאָתֶךָ. 8 But as for me, in the abundance of Thy lovingkindness will I come into Thy house; I will bow down toward Thy holy temple in the fear of Thee.
ט  יְהוָה, נְחֵנִי בְצִדְקָתֶךָ--לְמַעַן שׁוֹרְרָי;    הושר הַיְשַׁר לְפָנַי דַּרְכֶּךָ. 9 O LORD, lead me in Thy righteousness because of them that lie in wait for me; make Thy way straight before my face.
י  כִּי אֵין בְּפִיהוּ, נְכוֹנָה--קִרְבָּם הַוּוֹת:    קֶבֶר-פָּתוּחַ גְּרֹנָם; לְשׁוֹנָם, יַחֲלִיקוּן. 10 For there is no sincerity in their mouth; their inward part is a yawning gulf, their throat is an open sepulchre; they make smooth their tongue.
יא  הַאֲשִׁימֵם, אֱלֹהִים--    יִפְּלוּ, מִמֹּעֲצוֹתֵיהֶם:
בְּרֹב פִּשְׁעֵיהֶם, הַדִּיחֵמוֹ--    כִּי-מָרוּ בָךְ.
11 Hold them guilty, O God, let them fall by their own counsels; {N}
cast them down in the multitude of their transgressions; for they have rebelled against Thee.
יב  וְיִשְׂמְחוּ כָל-חוֹסֵי בָךְ, לְעוֹלָם יְרַנֵּנוּ--    וְתָסֵךְ עָלֵימוֹ;
וְיַעְלְצוּ בְךָ,    אֹהֲבֵי שְׁמֶךָ.
12 So shall all those that take refuge in Thee rejoice, they shall ever shout for joy, and Thou shalt shelter them; {N}
let them also that love Thy name exult in Thee.
יג  כִּי-אַתָּה, תְּבָרֵךְ צַדִּיק:    יְהוָה--כַּצִּנָּה, רָצוֹן תַּעְטְרֶנּוּ. 13 For Thou dost bless the righteous; O LORD, Thou dost encompass him with favour as with a shield. {P}